I have to admit I am getting a little
sick and tired of quasi-marxist Christians demanding a radical shift
in the global economic system, when positive change is more likely to occur from compromise, negotiation, and relationship. The reality is that Saint Paul likely
sold his tents for.....wait for it......money, Jesus Christ likely
sold his furniture, and Lydia sold her purple clothe. They operated
within a market driven model. This wasn't compromising Jubilee or the
early Christian model of giving to one another “as they had need”
(Acts 2:45, 4:32-35) it was choosing to operate in the world they
lived. It was choosing to exist as Christians between the now and the
not yet. It seems so often people want to operate out of a black and
white moral compass regardless of their political or theological
worldview. Calgarians are the conservative Christians who even
entertain parties like the Wild Rose, yet their Mayor is Naheed
Nenshi. People from Toronto are the progressive liberals, yet they
elect Rob Ford. Maybe the reality is that people are more willing to
entertain different political and religious systems if they perceive
them as coherent to their context and social need. My Dad is a small-c conservative
Christian who voted for the Green party in the last federal election.
He votes Wild Rose provincially. He didn't do it because he was
blinded but God himself on the road to Damascus, he did it because
Elizabeth May had the most fiscally responsible budget model, aside
from an obviously corrupt and manipulative Stephen Harper. We don't have to operate as
black and white ideologues to enable change, we need to listen to
each other and be willing to compromise. This is true courage. I long
for the day when Jubilee is enacted by God himself, but until that
day comes we need patiently and relationally promote Kingdom values
even as we choose to work within our social and economic context.